1. E.J. Udoh, B.T. Omonona, G.B. Odok and I.C. Idiong, 1999. The Need for Rural Land-Use Planning in Rainforest Zone of Nigeria. Paper presented at the Tropical Environment Forum (TEFO) Conference at Polytechnic Calabar. 7-9 July 1999.
2. E.J. Udoh, I. C. Idiong and E. E. Ekpe, 1999. A framework for Effective Land-Use Planning and Sustainable Management in Peasant Agriculture: An Explanatory Note. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Scientific Conference of Nigerian Society for Biological Conservation, 13-17 September.
3. E.J. Udoh, B.T. Omonona, 2000. Asymmetry in Agricultural data sources: Implications for policy formulation in the last three decades. Paper presented at the 41st annual conference of Nigeria Economic Society, 11-14 September.
4. P. M. Kormawa and E. J. Udoh, 2001. Varietal Characteristic and Adoption of Cassava in Savannah Region of some West African Countries. Paper presented at African Society of Root and Tuber crop Annual Conference held in International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Ibadan Nigeria, 2001
5. B.T.Omonona and E.J.Udoh, 2003. Analysis of poverty among farming households in Nigeria, Paper Presented at African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Biannual Research Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya (29 November-5 December 2003).
6. E. J. Udoh, 2004. Effective management of Agricultural Development Projects at Local Government Councils, Paper Presented at Workshop organised by AkwaIbom State Local Government Commission for LGA officers and superintendents, 5th –7th October, 2004
7. E.J.Udoh and N.A.Etim, 2004. Evaluating Procurement and Distributive Efficiency of Fertilizer in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, Paper presented at annual conference of Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists (NAAE), IAR/ABU Conference Hall, Samaru-Zaria, 3-5 November, 2004.
8. E. J. Udoh and B. T. Omonona (2005). Adoption Of Improved Rice Varieties And Its Welfare Impact On Rural Farming Households In Akwa Ibom State Of Nigeria, Paper presented at international workshop on rice policy and food security in sub Saharan region in Cotonou, Benin Republic, 7-9 November, 2005.
9. Akpan, S. B., Edet J. Udoh and Inimfon V. Patrick (2016). Roles of foreign direct investment and economic environment on sub-sectorial productivity of the Nigeria’s agricultural sector (1986-2015). Proceedings of the 17th Annual National Conference of the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists (NAAE), held at Federal University of Science and Technology, Owerri, Imo State, on 17th -20th of October, 2016. Pp. 650- 656.